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Upcoming Events

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The Berkeley Bayit hosts events for the Jewish student community at UC Berkeley in which all house members participate. Each year the events vary as the needs of the Berkeley community change and the interests of the Bayit members change. 


In a typical semester the Bayit hosts some of the following Jewish events open to UC Berkeley students and other local college students:

  • Kabbalat Shabbat dinners  - Enjoy an intimate service and a free kosher vegetarian dinner.

  • Onegs after Berkeley Hillel's Shabbat services and dinner

  • Shabbat morning services

  • Shabbat Torah study

  • Havdallah activities

  • Jewish speakers, discussions, and study opportunities


Past Jewish Holiday Celebrations have included:

  • Helping to build a sukkah and eating outside; shake a lulav with us!

  • Celebrating Tu B'shvat - the new year for the trees. Followed by sampling fruits and a wonderful home cooked meal.

  • Purim Festivities (and don’t forget Bring your grogger!)

  • Passover study and seders

  • Yom Ha’Atzmaut


Other Activities at the Bayit:

  • Film nights, book discussions etc.

  • A work day to fix, clean, and improve the Bayit

"One shabbat our theme was "Yoho, Yoho a Bayit life's for me"… Come to Pirate Shabbat at the Berkeley Bayit – the only Jewish co-op in Berkeley - and join 12 crazy Jewish pirates for a night of Shabbat fun! Meet at Hillel to walk up to the Bayit at 6:45pm. Services will start at 7pm and dinner at 8pm. "

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